Snapshot Poem #4 is not really a poem, but some thoughts.
Take a moment to ponder my beautiful words and imagery … Finished? Good. Now, for something completely different, here’s Cher’s ’80’s hit of the same name:
Ahem .. if you’ll excuse me, I’m going for a walk to clear my head …
Louise this is beautiful. It has a wonderful resonance for me, and I think it is a poem. For me, not all poetry is about rhythm, rhyme, metre, iambic pentameters etc; it’s about reaching people in that deepest of places. This poem does that.
I also love that Cher song. I’m not known for my political correctness. If I could straddle that cannon and strut my stuff, I’d be up there with her. *the queen of too much information exists stage left* 🙂
Thanks, Tricia. Having decided to post a weekly poem, means that not only must I write a weekly poem, but that I have to post the damn thing whether I think it’s finished or not. So I’m trying not to be self-conscious about my words. At least once they’re written, I can go back and revise, and so I may with this one.
Tricia, if I thought seeing me in fishnets straddling a cannon would give people pleasure, I’d do it. Sadly, I think it might induce nausea …
So very true, Louise. Your little lovely poem resonates…it’s only through experiencing these things that we can understand, grow strong and empathise with others. 🙂
Thanks for visiting and commenting, Lee-Anne. You’re right—grief and regret helps make us who we are, and enables us empathise through shared experiences. x
Having read some of your older writings Louise gives me what I think is a better understanding of your words, however, even if I hadn’t I’d still be moved. As for Cher… that was the most outrageous clip at the time but she got way with it because I think she was having a dig at herself. Well, I hope so anyway.
Thanks, Pinky. I think everyone has a few regrets tucked up their sleeve. However, the clock always ticks forwards, doesn’t it?
As for that clip, she must have had so much fun making it!