I keep returning to flowers as a subject for my photos, because not only do they look pretty, but, unlike birds, they let you get as close as you like, and, unlike dogs, they stay where you put them!
Earlier in the week, I found a use for the jars I’ve collected, and popped daisies into them. I lined them up on window sills and bench tops around the house, and it completely lifted the mood of our home—it’s now much softer and brighter.
Monique has had a big week, beginning with the launch of ‘Rocky Romance‘, an anthology of love stories published by Serenity Press that features one of her stories. With a book launch, a book fair, jam-making and farewelling a teenage son, she hasn’t had much time for creative photography. At the weekend, her husband brought her a bunch of Gerberas, her favourite flower. She smiles each time she passes them and, as they were a gift from the heart, her photo is a close up of the flower’s “heart”.

By the way, I had a lovely surprise when my pre-ordered copy of ‘Rocky Romance’ arrived in the mail this week, numbered and signed by the authors. (The anthology is available for purchase by clicking here.)

Midweek Moment is a weekly photographic endeavour in which Monique Mulligan and I team up to share our favourite photos on our websites. It’s a way of stretching ourselves creatively and a nice distraction from writing. Click here for more of our Moments.
Thanks for the shout out for Rocky Romance. I hope you enjoy it … (I have to say, I feel a bit nervous).
Looking at your photo, I was wishing I had some daisies to pop into jars. They are so full of innocence. Flowers are a terrific subject – I don’t think I will ever tire of them.
I understand your nerves as we really put so much of ourselves out there in our writing. I’m looking forward to curling up with it, and yours will be the first I read!
Daisies are innocent, aren’t they? And even though these are white, they still seem to bring colour to the place.
First off, daises are my favorite flowers so your collection of them in mismatched jars thrilled me. Your photos are so professional—what an eye you have for composition. Your snapshots make me smile, not a bad way to start my day. Thanks for the midweek moments. I look forward to next week. Take care.
I love them too. They’re simple and fresh, and make me feel old-fashioned, but in a nice way!
PS What a clever way to showcase your jars.
Yes, and it doesn’t matter that they don’t match. Some have screw-top lids, others are the flip/air-tight ones, and they’re different heights and volumes, but it doesn’t matter. They look rustic, and I like that.
Yes the perfect contrast to the daisies. Well done .-)
It gives it a ‘cottage’ feel! 🙂
Lovely photos once again, Louise 🙂 I really love your daisies in jars, they look wonderful. I have some old glass bottles and odd little vases I’ve collected over the years – perhaps I’ll try that when the weather gets better.
The daisies look so nice, and they still look fresh! Make use of those interesting sounding bottles and vases when the spring comes—I can imagine beautiful English flowers on a windowsill …
Gerberas remind me of my grandmother’s garden.
I can imagine how lovely all those little jars of flowers looked Louise. You’ve inspired me.
I love Gerberas, too, especially the burnt orange colour of Monique’s. We have some pink ones in our main living area at the moment—in a proper vase! I’ve been told, too, that fresh flowers at Open Homes help sell a house …
Stunning photos, Louise.
I missed this comment, and I’m so sorry—please forgive me. Thank you for visiting and liking our photos! 🙂
🙂 No problem, Louise