Just as dawn was breaking yesterday morning, I went down to Sculptures by the Sea at Cottesloe Beach. With the ocean as smooth as glass and the previous day’s footsteps in the sand having been swept away, the beach was as tranquil as I’d ever seen it. However, it was far from empty: Wonderful art dotted the sand and the hillsides, and I took many photos as the sky changed from black to mauve to blue.

Because I couldn’t decide which photo I liked best, I asked Monique to choose and this was her favourite. It’s the tail of the pig in the sculpture Pig of Fortune by Tae Geun Yang:

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While decluttering her house, which is a regular thing in the Mulligan home (I need to take heed), Monique came across her sons’ old rock collections. Most of the rocks wouldn’t have made good photographic subjects—they just sit there, after all—but this piece, covered in crystals, begged to be photographed. It’s delicate and the crystals break easily, so Monique didn’t clean it up for the photo. Having seen others on the internet, she thinks she might one day, though.

Monique didn’t feel as if she was on fire photographically this week, but I think this photo has everything: light, colour, texture, depth, and a story to go with it.


About Midweek Moment:
Each week, Monique Mulligan and I share our favourite photos on our websites in a ‘Midweek Moment’. We hope you enjoy, and if you’d like to see more, click here.