Midweek Moment #61: Lake Landscapes

I’m going to start with Monique’s photo this week as not only is it much more exciting than mine, but it was taken in Tasmania, that place which is never far from my heart.

Monique and her husband escaped to Tasmania last week for their first holiday of greater than ‘two sleeps’ without kids. They loved it and are already talking about going back again next year. Monique’s camera had such a workout as they drove through varying landscapes, from the high country to the (small) cities.

While there, they experienced all weather types, sometimes in one day: rain, sun, hail and even snow (Oh gosh, do I know all about that!). Driving from Queenstown to Tarraleah, they stopped the car for a snow-capped mountain photo op, and noticed sleet begin to fall. ‘How we danced in excitement! Like we were children!’ Monique wrote. Her husband grew up in WA and had never experienced this.

But it even got better. It was snowing by the time they reached Derwent Bridge, and when they woke at 5.30am the next morning, it was to a winter wonderland. They layered up and took off for a walk in the snow, marvelling at the transformed landscape, and dancing in delight when snowflakes fell on them once more.
Here is one of her favourite photos and click here if you want to see more of Monique’s snow shots.

What a glorious scene! For a start, where else in Australia would you find snow in October? The overcast sky looks brooding and ominous, yet the clouds are tinged with pink, and the reflection makes the whole scene feel still and peaceful.

Monique’s holiday gave me an excuse to put my camera away for a while—I was running out of ideas and motivation, and I actually needed a break. I didn’t much feel like taking it out again, to be honest, but I forced myself.

My energy levels are low, and I have a long list of commitments over the next few months. Added to that, Spring’s been struggling to start, even in our city of sunshine. Most days have been overcast and wet—not that I begrudge the rain, because we need it—but the sun makes me feel lighter, and I’m sick of the cold. I stripped our beds yesterday and had to decide which sheets to use for replacements—summer or winter? Thin cotton or warm flannelette? Normally by this time of year we’re already using our cooler cotton, but yesterday I chose the flannelette. The older I get, the less I’m prepared to put up with cold.

At least this shot of the reeds at the lake shows the promise of blue sky. Again, I like how it’s reflected in the lake.

If you’d like to look back on some of our past moments, click here, and please visit Monique’s website, too, if you want to see more of her writing and photography.



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