Anne Buist: Now Breathe and Push

Anne Buist: Now Breathe and Push

At first glance, you wouldn't think books and babies had much in common, but, believe me, they do, as anyone who's ever done both will attest. Anne Buist is a psychiatrist and the Chair of Women’s Mental Health at the University of Melbourne. She has thirty...

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Amanda Niehaus: A Change of Plan

Amanda Niehaus: A Change of Plan

All art is autobiography, so they say, and I know this to be true. Every story says something about the writer, regardless of their intention or, indeed, consent. Many writers draw from their lives for their fiction, and often return to the same themes in...

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Goodbye to a Decade

Goodbye to a Decade

I originally shared this post on Facebook, but I think it's worth sharing here on my blog, too. ~ It’s a new year and a new decade. (I won’t be a purist and mention that decades start at 1 and end at 10, because I accept we’re about to enter the 2020’s.) ...

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We’re Not Out of the Woods Yet

We’re Not Out of the Woods Yet

I first published this post on Facebook, where it was shared over 100 times, so I thought I'd re-jig it and share it here, too. ~ My husband is Head of Respiratory Medicine at Joondalup Health Campus. In March, Joondalup hospital (along with every other...

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Clare Griffin: Women of the Skies

Clare Griffin: Women of the Skies

Easter Promises, a fabulous new historical fiction anthology, was published just before Easter (as the title suggests!), and this week's guest writer in the attic is one of the authors in that anthology: Clare Griffin. In her piece today, Clare discusses her...

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