Midweek Moment #3

Midweek Moment #3

Monique and I have both been drawn to flowers and music this week. My son is learning the first movement of this Beethoven piano concerto, so our house is filled with its sound. Monique has chosen a delicate Jonquil atop a sweet song. Midweek Moment is a...
Midweek Moment #2

Midweek Moment #2

For this week’s Midweek Moment, Monique and I have been drawn towards the colour yellow—maybe to remind us of sunny days and combat the grey of the current West Australian weather! Monique’s photo is a daisy in an old-fashioned wooden...
Midweek Moment #1

Midweek Moment #1

Welcome to Midweek Moment! Once a week, Monique (of Write Note Reviews) and I will team up and share our favourite photos on our blogs. Along with our literary pursuits, we both enjoy taking photos. Whilst we’re keen with...
Photos of Winter

Photos of Winter

Winter arrived in Perth last week, and for some reason bad weather never fails to stimulate my writing. I think it’s a combination of the sounds—rain on a tin roof, wind rushing through the trees—and sights—grey skies, water...
Humps and Troughs

Humps and Troughs

I thought I’d squeeze a blog post in before the end of the financial year—so here’s an update: The Novel: Unfortunately, I don’t have much to report on this front, except that I’m stuck. So stuck, I’m considering seeking help. When I...
Snapshot Poetry #9—A Poem and A Painting

Snapshot Poetry #9—A Poem and A Painting

Instead of my usual blog, today’s post is a poem by a young Perth writer—my son, Sam*. I loved this poem about the Swan River. I loved the sense of darkness that pervades it—the clouds, the ‘looming’ city, the shadows, the houses trapping the river,...
Snapshot Poetry #7—Soft Dawn

Snapshot Poetry #7—Soft Dawn

I took this photo with my phone at about 5am, facing west, with the sun rising behind me. The sky had a soft, muted appearance, but the air was thick and humid, and thunder rumbled periodically. There was a heavy sense of foreboding, as if something ominous was about...