Family History
My grandfather’s family managed to own a camera and seemed to delight in taking photos of themselves. They’ve left a powerful record of my family history.
And the inspiration for a novel…
My grandmother, Olive McIntee, aged about 12 (c1922). She used to say I looked like her.
My grandmother
My grandmother.
My grandmother.
My grandfather with one of his sisters.
A family picnic. My grandfather is the one reclining centre-front.
Family shot — my grandfather is at the back, on the left.
With their bikes, my grandfather centre. Presumably these are brothers — my grandfather was one of eighteen!
Campfire in a 44-gallon drum.
My grandfather
My grandfather and siblings, in their swimming suits!
My grandmother and grandfather, and two unknown girls, presumably sisters.
My grandfather
My grandmother and her sisters and their children.
My grandmother and a relative, with my father and uncle.
My grandfather and his two sons in front of the apple tree. My father is on the left.
My father (R) and his brother.
My father (centre)
Cemetery record of my grandmother’s stillborn boy, from March 22nd, 1937.