David Allan-Petale: From Fact to Fiction

David Allan-Petale: From Fact to Fiction

Well, I could say the locusts have taken over the attic this week: David Allan-Petale has come in to talk about his book, Locust Summer, and his metamorphosis from journalist to author. On the face of it, the two seem similar – both are writing, both tell stories –...
Judy Powell: Writing Crime

Judy Powell: Writing Crime

I don’t believe I’ve had an archaeologist visit the attic before, so please welcome Judy Powell to tell us about her historical crime novel, The Brisbane Line. Judy is a historian and archaeologist who has a passion for bringing the past to life....
K.M. Allan: Learning From Your Words

K.M. Allan: Learning From Your Words

I came to know today’s guest in the attic, KM Allan (no relation!) through her fabulous blog which is full of writing tips and tricks. So, I’m thrilled to welcome her to the attic today: KM Allan is the author of the urban YA fantasy series, Blackbirch....
Clare Griffin: Women of the Skies

Clare Griffin: Women of the Skies

Easter Promises, a fabulous new historical fiction anthology, was published just before Easter (as the title suggests!), and this week’s guest writer in the attic is one of the authors in that anthology: Clare Griffin. In her piece today, Clare discusses her...
Anne Buist: Now Breathe and Push

Anne Buist: Now Breathe and Push

At first glance, you wouldn’t think books and babies had much in common, but, believe me, they do, as anyone who’s ever done both will attest. Anne Buist is a psychiatrist and the Chair of Women’s Mental Health at the University of Melbourne. She has...
Michael Trant: Just Do It

Michael Trant: Just Do It

My friend and fellow Allen and Unwin stablemate, Michael Trant, joins me in the attic today. Mike’s one of the most likeable, funny and down-to-earth people I know, and all of that comes across in his piece today. I love what he has to say about just getting the...