Annabel Smith: Finding (the Right) Reasons to Write
So very happy to have Annabel Smith grace the attic with her presence today. She was one of the first authors I met when I started writing and she has more wisdom about books, writing and publishing in her little finger than I’d hope to attain in a lifetime....
12 Tips on Giving a Good Author Talk
As a published author, you’re expected to speak at writers festivals, libraries, book clubs and to writing and community groups. But, if you’re anything like me, the notion of public speaking might fill you with terror. I’m not, by nature, a public...
Laurie Steed: The Short Way Around
I’m thrilled to welcome Laurie Steed to the attic today. Laurie and I first met at a blogging workshop back in 2013 and, over the years, have become firm friends. Last year, after our début novels were published within a few months of each other, we not...
The Trouble With Second Novels
This afternoon while it was 38ºC outside, I sat at my desk and opened my current manuscript. It had been a while since I’d written and, although I’ve missed creating sentences, I’d needed the break. I’ve been working on my second novel for most of...