How I learnt there were no lions in Tasmania

How I learnt there were no lions in Tasmania

One of the lions in my imagination… I had a few weird beliefs as a child. Some of the stranger ones were: that my grandmother was alive at the same time as Jesus; that the place where I lived constituted the whole world; and that there were about a hundred...
A connection to country…

A connection to country…

I read a post the other day by Sue at Whispering Gums about Place in Australian Literature and it got me thinking. I grew up in cold, rugged Tasmania, with hills on every horizon, very few sweeping plains, and very little sunburnt countryside. The Tassie...
In Memory of My Father

In Memory of My Father

It is one year today since my father passed away. He had Alzheimer’s and over the preceding year I’d watched his brain and body decline. The day before he died, I walked into his room at the nursing home and did a double take: I thought I was too late. He was lying on...