Launch of ‘The Sisters’ Song’

Launch of ‘The Sisters’ Song’

I know it feels like months since The Sisters’ Song was officially launched by Natasha Lester, but I’ve been rather busy and haven’t had a chance to put the photos together and make a video. However, my diary was actually clear today, so it’s...
Publication: The First Four Weeks

Publication: The First Four Weeks

Now that school has returned, I’m looking forward to getting back into some semblance of routine. It’s been utter chaos in the attic since my book was released: I haven’t known which day of the week it is, I’ve forgotten to eat, I don’t...
Meme: Books and Writers Q & A

Meme: Books and Writers Q & A

I’ve been tagged by Laurie Steed at The Gum Wall to join in a fun Books and Writers Q & A. I always enjoy a game, so here goes: Book Q&A Rules 1. Post these rules. 2. Post a photo of your favourite book cover. 3. Answer the questions below. 4. Tag a few people...