Laurie Steed: The Short Way Around

Laurie Steed: The Short Way Around

I’m thrilled to welcome Laurie Steed to the attic today. Laurie and I first met at a blogging workshop back in 2013 and, over the years, have become firm friends. Last year, after our début novels were published within a few months of each other, we not...
Publication: The First Four Weeks

Publication: The First Four Weeks

Now that school has returned, I’m looking forward to getting back into some semblance of routine. It’s been utter chaos in the attic since my book was released: I haven’t known which day of the week it is, I’ve forgotten to eat, I don’t...
Linda Strader: ‘Dear Diary …’

Linda Strader: ‘Dear Diary …’

Although this series is open to any writer from anywhere, most of my guests have been Australian. Today, I’m thrilled to introduce an international guest, Linda Strader, who visits the attic from the USA. Read Linda’s story about writing a memoir and...
Tess Woods: What Makes a Real Writer?

Tess Woods: What Makes a Real Writer?

Today I welcome Tess Woods into the attic. I’m so proud to share this essay because Tess is a dear friend of mine. It’s written in her inimitable style and with her trademark length (she’s never short for a word 😉 ). You won’t regret taking the...