Lauren Keegan: The Anchor That is Writing
If you’re an aspiring writer, this is a not-to-be-missed post about rejection and not giving up. A few weeks ago, I read a blog post titled, ‘How To Cope with Rejection and Keep on Writing’. The author of the post, Lauren Keegan, had sent her...
Jodi Gibson: Finding My Place in the World
Jodi Gibson, writer and blogger, has stepped into the attic today. I found myself nodding all the way through Jodi’s piece and wanted to underline so many of her sentences. I relate to what she says about blogging, about how it changed her life. It does;...
Rachel Nightingale: When Achieving Your Dream Makes You Sad
I have another moving essay for the attic today. This piece by Rachel Nightingale, about her dad and his influence on her writing, really touched me. There’s something special about the relationship between daughters and their dads. ...
Cait Gordon: When to Listen to and When to Ignore Writing Advice
I’m always excited when someone I don’t know contacts me wanting to be part of Writers in the Attic. That’s how this post came about, and until I read Cait’s essay, I knew as much about this Irish-Canadian author and editor as you! Read on to...
Denise Mills: Writing is a Big Deal
When my Inbox goes ping and I see it’s another piece for Writers in the Attic, I feel a little thrill. I have to drop what I’m doing and read it straightaway. I can’t resist. Each of the essays I’ve posted has resonated with me in some way and...
Eliza Henry-Jones: Discovering How I Write
I have the extremely talented Eliza Henry-Jones in the attic with me today. Eliza is on the eve of launching her second novel, Ache. I first heard of Eliza in an interview with Natasha Lester in 2015, just after her first novel ‘In the Quiet’...
Leanda Michelle: What Writing Means to Me
Leanda Michelle joins me in the attic today to tell the story of how she started writing and her 14-year journey to publication. As I read this piece, once again I was reminded of how persistent and courageous we have to be in following our dreams. ...
Marie McLean: What Writing Means to Me
I’m yet to meet today’s writer in the attic, Marie McLean, despite the fact we both live in the same city, we’re both writers and we encounter each other almost daily online. We’re hoping to remedy that soon, but in the meantime I’ll...
Robin Riedstra: Writing With Dyslexia
Without further ado, today for Writers in the Attic I want to introduce you to Robin Riedstra: Robin is an Australian writer, ranter, reviewer, dyslexic, twitter addict, and definitely a mad mumma. Robin’s memoir, ‘Confessions of a Mad Mooer: Postnatal...
New Release Date for ‘The Sisters’ Song’
I have a new date for my book’s release: January 2018. Whilst this means I must wait another four months’ to see my book on the shelves, it also means that I have more time to complete these final edits and get my novel into tip-top shape. Once this...