Writing is Rewriting

Writing is Rewriting

  Back in 2013, when I finished a first draft of ‘The Sisters’ Song’ (which was called ‘Ida’s Children’ then—I’m still getting used to calling my child by a different name), I had no idea how much editing and rewriting...
Rae Hilhorst: Why I Write

Rae Hilhorst: Why I Write

I have another of my writing friends in the attic today: Rae Hilhorst. Here’s the serious, factual bio for Rae: Rae lives in Perth Western Australia and is a married mother of two adult daughters. Her blog is her hobby, a means to explore creative writing. When...
Conor Duggan: Writing Far From Home

Conor Duggan: Writing Far From Home

This is the week for firsts: not only is Conor Duggan my first male guest for writers in the attic, he’s also my first Irish guest, first backpacker, first geologist, first slam-poet, first writer not to use a desk, and a whole heap of other firsts you’ll...
I’ve Been Editing …

I’ve Been Editing …

My apologies for being so quiet on my blog lately. As most of you would already know, I’ve been doing the structural edits on my novel. They’re notoriously hard—just ask any author—and I had only one month in which to complete them. That month also...
My Writing Goals In 2017

My Writing Goals In 2017

I’ve been quiet on the blog lately and I apologise. My excuse is that in this part of the world, it’s school holidays, and I’ve wound everything right back so I don’t spend all day in the attic and neglect my family. School returns next...