As of yesterday, it is official: I am a published author.
I must say, I felt thrilled and anxious at seeing my words in print for the first time. Thrilled because I want people to read what I’ve written, but anxious because people can read what I’ve written, and maybe they won’t like it … For better or worse, the stories are out there now, in black and white on the page.

The ‘Jukebox’ anthology is jam-packed with vibrant poetry and prose from writers such as Annamaria Weldon, Tineke Van de Eecken, Cecily Scutt, Helen Hagemann, Kevin Gillam, Josephine Clarke, and many more. Well done to all involved at Out of the Asylum Inc for this publication!
Copies of ‘Jukebox’ can be bought from the Fremantle Arts Centre, ordered from, or contact me via this link and I can arrange to send one to you. Cost is $20, or six for the price of five.
Don’t forget to bring some on Sunday Louise. Save one for me, and I’ll remember my $20 🙂
I won’t forget! Thanks for your support and I’ll see you Sunday.
Congratulations , Louise! A major achievement! Getting published. Ah! Enjoy your success, you’ve worked very hard for this moment. xx
Thanks, Marlish. Still plugging away and a way to go. Seeing my words in black and white on a page, I could only see the mistakes or the phrases I want to rewrite. Does everyone else do that?
How beautiful Louise! I’m hoping to see my book for mothers on accessing our inner wisdom become published sometime soon. Thanks for the inspiration and enjoy!
Sounds like something I’d love to read! I hope it gets published. Keep me posted. Thanks for your wishes. x
Congratulations Louise! It must be very exciting to have the real thing in your hands. I’d love to buy a copy so would you mind holding one for me until we can catch up?
Sure, Jacquie. I have a few copies here — I’ll squirrel one away for you! Thanks for your wishes. x
Congratulations, Louise. Seeing one’s book is such an exciting time. Enjoy every minute.
Thanks, Maureen. Not that I could call this ‘my’ book, or I might upset the other contributors! I’ve just found your blog and I have your book sitting in my bedside cupboard, ready to read one day when I get time … Thanks for popping by. x