AUTHORS FOR FARMERS is an initiative started by the wonderful Australian author Josephine Moon, who’s been working hard behind the scenes, banding together fellow authors from around the country to fundraise for drought-affected farmers. All money raised goes to BUY A BALE.
Josephine has already run a massive raffle of over 100 books that raised nearly $20,000, and now she’s organising the second phase of this initiative: an auction in which you can win a manuscript appraisal.
Three publishing professionals (Annette Barlow from Allen & Unwin, Ali Watts from Penguin Random House and Sophie Green/Sophie Hamley from Hachette) and seven authors (Jenn J McLeod, Lisa Ireland, Annie Seaton, Katie Rowney, Louise Allan, Michael Trant and Melinda Tognini) have offered to read and give individual feedback on a manuscript. Reserves prices are set according to experience.
So, if you’re a writer and have a work-in-progress and would like some feedback, this is an invaluable opportunity. Slip over to Josephine’s website where each of the authors and publishers have answered a few questions (click here for mine) so you can get to know us a little and see if one of us suits you and your novel. Then prepare to make your bid on auction day!
The auction will be on eBay over three days, October 15, 17 and 19.
See Josephine’s website for more details or feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Win a Manuscript Assessment and Raise Money for Authors For Farmers
by Louise Allan | Oct 3, 2018 | DIARY