Midweek Moment #61: Lake Landscapes
I’m going to start with Monique’s photo this week as not only is it much more exciting than mine, but it was taken in Tasmania, that place which is never far from my heart. Monique and her husband escaped to Tasmania last week for...
Tabetha Rogers-Beggs: A Writing Whirlwind
This week’s guest in the attic is my busy writerly friend, Tabetha Rogers Beggs. Tabetha is mix of all things creative; performer, playwright, writer and philosopher. She is the Chairwoman of the historic Katharine Susannah Prichard (KSP)...
Joyce Mathers: Writing For Weddings
I’m so proud to introduce today’s guest in the attic—Joyce Mathers. Joyce grew up in the northeast of Scotland and after falling in love with Australia while on holiday, returned here to live in 1990. She’s owned many...
On Signing a Publishing Contract and Getting to this Point
So, at long last, I got to sign one of these: A publishing contract. It took a while to reach my hot little hands and as soon as I’d signed it, I had to return it to the publisher for counter-signing, so I haven’t been able to gaze at it and...
Shannon Meyerkort: Wearing Many Hats
This week, local writer, Shannon Meyerkort, joins me in the attic. Shannon is a writer and blogger based in Perth, where she lives with her husband and three daughters. She has been published in various magazines, both print and online, has had short stories...
A Letter to My 12-year-old Self and Having the Freedom to Imagine
This is a quick post to let everyone know where I’ve been writing this week: Jenn J McLeod invited me to be part of her series, ‘A Letter to My Younger Self’, so I wrote to my twelve-year-old self and, as it turned out,...
Midweek Moment #60: A Floral Feast
Monique and I can’t help ourselves when it comes to flowers, and I hope you’re not bored that we’re bringing more of them today. But they are beautiful, and it is Spring … Long-term readers of this blog know I’m firmly in the...
Nadia L. King: Are My Boobs Guilty
This week’s post is a little different, but something I think all women of a certain age will relate to, so keep reading … Nadia L. King was born in Dublin, Ireland, in the 1970s. Her first book “Jenna’s Truth” will be published this...
Cute Photos of Cygnets to Make Your Day
We’re giving Midweek Moment a miss this week as Monique’s been flat-out at work. I thought I’d bring you some photos anyway, in the hope they’ll brighten your day as they did mine. Some weeks I find it hard to squeeze in the time for...
Elisabeth Hanscombe: Being a Writer and a Psychologist
Today, a good friend of mine, Elisabeth Hanscombe, steps into the attic to write about what writing means to her and the difficulties of squeezing it in around a heavy working schedule. I met Elisabeth through blogging, in particular through a...