Katherine Scholes: Hunting the Muse

Katherine Scholes: Hunting the Muse

I’m thrilled to share this essay of Katherine Scholes in the attic today. It’s about writing her latest novel, The Beautiful Mother, the story of a woman who has devoted herself to the study of humans while denying the call of motherhood, who finds her...
K.M. Allan: Learning From Your Words

K.M. Allan: Learning From Your Words

I came to know today’s guest in the attic, KM Allan (no relation!) through her fabulous blog which is full of writing tips and tricks. So, I’m thrilled to welcome her to the attic today: KM Allan is the author of the urban YA fantasy series, Blackbirch....
Susan Francis: Why I Write

Susan Francis: Why I Write

I never tire of reading about why writers write—the reasons are many and varied, and the pathways as divergent as each individual writer. But what always strikes me, too, are the similarities: that feeling of never quite belonging, of never quite being good enough....
Maya Linnell: Write What You Know

Maya Linnell: Write What You Know

A huge welcome to my guest in the attic this week, Maya Linnell. Maya begins her post by saying, ‘Writing advice comes in all shapes and sizes’. What an understatement! And it can be so contradictory: write for yourself but keep your audience in mind;...
Donna Mazza: A Desk of One’s Own

Donna Mazza: A Desk of One’s Own

I’m thrilled to have Donna Mazza as my guest in the attic this week. I’m sure all writers will relate to her post about writing desks and rooms, as we all yearn for a place to write that’s beautiful and tranquil. But this story is also about...
Thuy On: Documenting Life In Poetry

Thuy On: Documenting Life In Poetry

Most of the writers who visit the attic are novelists, so I’m very happy to welcome a poet as my guest this week: Thuy On. Today, Thuy writes about changing course from critic to poet, and how documenting a particularly turbulent period of her life became a...
Amanda Niehaus: A Change of Plan

Amanda Niehaus: A Change of Plan

All art is autobiography, so they say, and I know this to be true. Every story says something about the writer, regardless of their intention or, indeed, consent. Many writers draw from their lives for their fiction, and often return to the same themes in their books,...
Clare Griffin: Women of the Skies

Clare Griffin: Women of the Skies

Easter Promises, a fabulous new historical fiction anthology, was published just before Easter (as the title suggests!), and this week’s guest writer in the attic is one of the authors in that anthology: Clare Griffin. In her piece today, Clare discusses her...