Anne Buist: Now Breathe and Push

Anne Buist: Now Breathe and Push

At first glance, you wouldn’t think books and babies had much in common, but, believe me, they do, as anyone who’s ever done both will attest. Anne Buist is a psychiatrist and the Chair of Women’s Mental Health at the University of Melbourne. She has...
Morna Seres: The Process

Morna Seres: The Process

This week, another Varuna-housemate-now-lifelong-friend* joins me in the attic. Morna Seres has worked as an actor, actor’s agent and even as a salesperson of virtual reality funerals. She fell into writing and in this post talks about managing the ups and downs...
Jacqui Brown: Screw You, Mrs Bennett

Jacqui Brown: Screw You, Mrs Bennett

Today’s guest in the attic, Jacqui Brown, is warm, vivacious and humorous, all of which is evident in her writing. Jacqui’s one of the group of writers I met while at Varuna who helped make my stay so special. I hope you enjoy her post—there’s...