Laurie Steed: The Short Way Around
I’m thrilled to welcome Laurie Steed to the attic today. Laurie and I first met at a blogging workshop back in 2013 and, over the years, have become firm friends. Last year, after our début novels were published within a few months of each other, we not...
Three Things I Need Before I Can Write A Novel
At the end of last year, I wrote a post called The Trouble With Second Novels after I’d abandoned my second attempt at writing a second novel. At that time, I was trying to keep myself buoyant because I was feeling rather deflated—I’d hoped to...
Susan Midalia on Finding the Extraordinary in the Everyday
Writers in the Attic is back! I’m so excited to be hosting this again as I’ve really missed it. I already have some amazing writers lined up for future weeks, and more are coming, and I promise you that WITA 2.0 will be just as good as the first...
The Trouble With Second Novels
This afternoon while it was 38ºC outside, I sat at my desk and opened my current manuscript. It had been a while since I’d written and, although I’ve missed creating sentences, I’d needed the break. I’ve been working on my second novel for most of...
Messages From Readers
I’m not sure if readers are aware of how much authors love hearing from them—it really does make our day! It’s always a thrill to hear from people who’ve enjoyed reading your book, and it’s even more special when they share their own...
Mildura Writers Festival and the Tina Kane Emergent Writer Award
I returned home around midnight on Sunday after spending four wonderful days at the Mildura Writers Festival. I should clarify that while I’ve returned physically to Perth, my mind, and heart, are still in Mildura. The festival was one of the most special...
Lauren Chater: Survival Lessons—How Writing Changed My Life
Riding the ups and downs of the lead-up to publication can be rather nerve-wracking and is much easier if done with a friend, so as authors whose début novels came out within a couple of months of each other, Lauren Chater and I have become friends over the past...
How I Got An Agent
A few weeks ago, Lauren Keegan invited me to be part of her monthly blog series, How I Got An Agent. You might remember Lauren from this amazingly honest and moving post she wrote for Writers in the Attic last year. She wrote about rejection, something all...
Launch of ‘The Sisters’ Song’
I know it feels like months since The Sisters’ Song was officially launched by Natasha Lester, but I’ve been rather busy and haven’t had a chance to put the photos together and make a video. However, my diary was actually clear today, so it’s...
Writers in the Attic: Michelle Johnston
I’m happy to say that Writers in the Attic is back for 2018! To ease the pressure on myself a little, I’ve decided it will be more of an occasional series, but I promise it will be just as interesting and varied! My dear writing friend, Michelle Johnston,...