Lee Kofman: On Imperfection and Writing

Lee Kofman: On Imperfection and Writing

As I read the first memoir penned by today’s guest, I remember thinking, When I grow up, I want to write like this. I was underlining phrases and making notes in the margins, such was the beauty of the prose. But, even better, there was a searing honesty about...
Laurie Steed: The Short Way Around

Laurie Steed: The Short Way Around

I’m thrilled to welcome Laurie Steed to the attic today. Laurie and I first met at a blogging workshop back in 2013 and, over the years, have become firm friends. Last year, after our début novels were published within a few months of each other, we not...
Three Things I Need Before I Can Write A Novel

Three Things I Need Before I Can Write A Novel

At the end of last year, I wrote a post called The Trouble With Second Novels after I’d abandoned my second attempt at writing a second novel. At that time, I was trying to keep myself buoyant because I was feeling rather deflated—I’d hoped to...
The Trouble With Second Novels

The Trouble With Second Novels

This afternoon while it was 38ºC outside, I sat at my desk and opened my current manuscript. It had been a while since I’d written and, although I’ve missed creating sentences, I’d needed the break. I’ve been working on my second novel for most of...
Messages From Readers

Messages From Readers

I’m not sure if readers are aware of how much authors love hearing from them—it really does make our day! It’s always a thrill to hear from people who’ve enjoyed reading your book, and it’s even more special when they share their own...
How I Got An Agent

How I Got An Agent

A few weeks ago, Lauren Keegan invited me to be part of her monthly blog series, How I Got An Agent. You might remember Lauren from this amazingly honest and moving post she wrote for Writers in the Attic last year. She wrote about rejection, something all...
Launch of ‘The Sisters’ Song’

Launch of ‘The Sisters’ Song’

I know it feels like months since The Sisters’ Song was officially launched by Natasha Lester, but I’ve been rather busy and haven’t had a chance to put the photos together and make a video. However, my diary was actually clear today, so it’s...
Publication: The First Four Weeks

Publication: The First Four Weeks

Now that school has returned, I’m looking forward to getting back into some semblance of routine. It’s been utter chaos in the attic since my book was released: I haven’t known which day of the week it is, I’ve forgotten to eat, I don’t...