Skylar J. Wynter: Interview With An Alter-Ego
I have a début author on the blog today, whose book, Pieces of Humanity, a collection of poetry and prose, has just been published by Daisy Lane Publishing. Skylar’s a member of one of my mentoring groups, and it’s been a thrill to watch the lead-up to...
Thuy On: Documenting Life In Poetry
Most of the writers who visit the attic are novelists, so I’m very happy to welcome a poet as my guest this week: Thuy On. Today, Thuy writes about changing course from critic to poet, and how documenting a particularly turbulent period of her life became a...
Kelly Van Nelson: From Blank Canvas to Colourful Dreams
Today, I welcome Western Australian poet and fiction writer, Kelly van Nelson, to the attic for a Q&A. Kelly’s powerful poetry collection, Graffiti Lane, celebrates freedom of speech and the underdog rising against all odds. Her poetry and short stories...
Midweek Moment #12
Midweek Moment has been renamed End-of-week Moment this week! My photo is of a relatively new resident to our garden, a Mandevilla Aloha Red. I fell in love with its colour in the nursery, and it really is a bright spot in our rather bare garden. Why is our garden...
Snapshot Poetry #9—A Poem and A Painting
Instead of my usual blog, today’s post is a poem by a young Perth writer—my son, Sam*. I loved this poem about the Swan River. I loved the sense of darkness that pervades it—the clouds, the ‘looming’ city, the shadows, the houses trapping the river,...
Snapshot Poetry #1
I thought I’d start a creative diversion—some poetry. I do not consider myself a poet by any stretch of the imagination, but sometimes phrases come to me, such as this one yesterday while I was out walking the dogs. I thought I’d try to catch these...