Midweek Moment #62: Simple Beauty

Midweek Moment #62: Simple Beauty

As I have more than one photo this week, I'll start with Monique's, which she took while in Tasmania a couple of weeks ago. Walking through the rainforest in cold, wet south-western Tasmania, I took the opportunity to get some macro shots before the rain came...

Midweek Moment #61: Lake Landscapes

I'm going to start with Monique's photo this week as not only is it much more exciting than mine, but it was taken in Tasmania, that place which is never far from my heart. Monique and her husband escaped to Tasmania last week for their first holiday of...

Midweek Moment #60: A Floral Feast

Monique and I can't help ourselves when it comes to flowers, and I hope you're not bored that we're bringing more of them today. But they are beautiful, and it is Spring ... Long-term readers of this blog know I'm firmly in the Margaret Olley trenches when it...

Midweek Moment #55: Golden Sunsets

At the lake where I walk, about halfway around the path there's gap in the fence. If I nip through, there's a dirt track that takes me past the line of Moreton Bay figs, out through the rushes, and into a marshy area that juts out into the lake. I need my proper...

Midweek Moment #54—Rain and Shine

Monique and I have chosen shots that indicate the recent weather patterns. It can’t make up its mind—rain to sunshine to rain again. It's glorious one day—blue sky and warm enough for short sleeves—and the next it’s wild and wet again and we need our winter woollens....

Midweek Moment #51: Lake Life

Once again, Monique and I have been of similar minds: Both of us have visited nearby lakes and captured the bird life. For me, the lake at sunset is like a balm. The softer light, its golden glow, and the longer shadows. Oftentimes, the surface of the water is so...

Midweek Moment #50: Time Out

We've taken time out from our busy lives to capture our 'midweek moments' this week. Although winter seems to have returned today, we had a break from it earlier in the week. The mornings were still bracing, but for a few days the skies were blue and cloudless, and I...

Midweek Moment #49: Opposites

Monique and I have gone in opposite directions in more ways than one this week. Due to the cold weather, I kept my camera inside, while Monique spent time outdoors in Balingup. Mine's also a little, shall we say, abstract, whereas Monique's is real and sharp as a pin....







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